Topic of the Week 4

Social media is very important in public relations. Public relations practitioners have two-way communication with the client(s), where as advertising and marketing professionals tend to have just one-way communication. Therefore, with social media being the way that the clients of today comment on a company’s performance, it is crucial that social media be monitored around the clock. By monitoring social media a company is able to know about a problem as soon as it happens, hear the complaints and thanks of customers, and monitor their ROI. Social media is important in public relations campaigns the technological world we live in basically requires a campaign to use it. One of the best ways to reach the public and clients is through social media. Thus, when going about a campaign, social media needs to be one of the main focuses. Social media allows a campaign to easily measure its reach and effectiveness. It can also do this for everyday company posts and customer traffic. As I move into my professional career, I do plan to keep using the Twitter account I am using for this class. I wish it were practical to have a professional account and a personal account but unfortunately, it just would make no sense. However, if I am someone with posting abilities on my company’s social media in the future, I need to make sure that my personal account and my company account do not get mixed up, resulting in me posting something inappropriate on the company social media account for this most likely would result in my termination from the company.

4 thoughts on “Topic of the Week 4

  1. I have heard of instances that happen when an employee accidentally posts a personal message on the company account. It all depends on what is said and how you handle it. It could become a crisis or just a quick laugh.

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