Topic of the Week 4

Social media is very important in public relations. Public relations practitioners have two-way communication with the client(s), where as advertising and marketing professionals tend to have just one-way communication. Therefore, with social media being the way that the clients of today comment on a company’s performance, it is crucial that social media be monitored around the clock. By monitoring social media a company is able to know about a problem as soon as it happens, hear the complaints and thanks of customers, and monitor their ROI. Social media is important in public relations campaigns the technological world we live in basically requires a campaign to use it. One of the best ways to reach the public and clients is through social media. Thus, when going about a campaign, social media needs to be one of the main focuses. Social media allows a campaign to easily measure its reach and effectiveness. It can also do this for everyday company posts and customer traffic. As I move into my professional career, I do plan to keep using the Twitter account I am using for this class. I wish it were practical to have a professional account and a personal account but unfortunately, it just would make no sense. However, if I am someone with posting abilities on my company’s social media in the future, I need to make sure that my personal account and my company account do not get mixed up, resulting in me posting something inappropriate on the company social media account for this most likely would result in my termination from the company.

Topic of the Week 3

I have never participated in any form or movement online (to my knowledge). I suppose I have never done so because I have never come across one that I was passionate enough about to partake in. Also, I find them quite obnoxious when I come across them in my News Feed on Facebook. I understand if your someone who is occasionally posting something, but if your someone who is constantly posting about, for instance animal abuse, then the first thing that goes through my head is “Geez, we get it.” If your someone who is constantly posting, your posts then can become over-looked and you no longer are doing any good for your form or movement.

In my opinion people start these movements for different reasons, some do it for attention, some because they have nothing better to do, etc. Those who join them most likely do it to keep themselves up to date on the issue they hold dear to them. I do not foresee myself starting or engaging in any movements via social media in the future; however, as you get older your opinions change and one day maybe I will partake. I do feel that organizations, such as the ASPCA, can benefit from these movements because they help to shed light on the amount of animals out there that are without a home. Unfortunately, I feel that movements can also make people get annoyed and tune out.

Overall, I feel that there is a science to movements online. Just as there is a science to social media marketing, advertising, etc. If you figure out how to make it work, I feel that it can be very beneficial to organizations.

Topic of the Week 2

In regards to the Shutterfly incident, I feel the company acted quickly to its error. I have a feeling that after the first email went out, that the company tried to find out what the issue was and how to make sure it didn’t happen again. Unfortunately, before they were able to figure out what was wrong, another email went out hours later to more people. Before a company can apologize formally and admit their faults, I feel that they need to know what happened in order to explain the error and explain what they are going to do in the future to make sure that it does not happen again. This gives those irate customers some reassurance along with their apology. If I were in charge I would have probably handled the situation similarly. It is possible that they could have sent out an email of apology instantly, saying something along the lines of “We are sorry for the email you received this morning and understand this may be a sensitive issue for you. We are working hard to get to the bottom of our system error.” I realize that this response is similar to theirs; however, the main difference is that the email of apology would be going out as soon as awareness of the problem arose.

At my internship I accidentally sent out login information to everyone in the system instead of just the specific group I was supposed to send to. Therefore, I understand how easy it is to make an error like this. It can be as simple as clicking one wrong box. Which, I think we all can agree if you are having a busy and stressful day it is easy to overlook that you clicked the wrong box and make an error such as the one Shutterfly made.

Topic of the Week 1- PRCA 3334

Social media has become a part of our lives whether we like it or not. Even if you are someone who feels that you do not need to have a Facebook, Twitter, etc. the chances are that your job will require you to have one for work purposes. When it comes to using social media to connect with other TV show fans through the use of hashtag’s, I’m not sure why anyone would want to do this. Yet, I find myself hashtagging #NashvilleABC and other things when tweeting about a show I’m watching. I do not necessarily do this to connect with other fans; I do it because that’s just what you’re supposed to do on Twitter, right? Hashtagging is the whole premise behind Twitter’s functionality. I guess I do it so that others can see what I tweeted (if they so desire) and for the rare chance that a cast member might tweet me back. However, I have no care as to what another fan wrote using the same hashtag, nor do I have a desire to respond/connect with a random person I do not know. I find myself constantly changing the celebrities that I follow on Twitter. Back in my early college days, when Jersey Shore was popular, I found myself following the entire cast. Now I follow some athletes such as John Isner, Aaron Murray, etc., some singers like Eric Church and Jason Aldean, and some news sources such as The Athens Banner Herald, Statesboro Herald, Fox News Alert, Fox Business, and The George-Anne.